Thursday, November 6, 2014

Stir Fry Broccoli Cauliflowers with Scallops

Broccoli and Cauliflowers are my daughter's favourites. She will always asked for these two vegetable to be cooked for dinner. And recently she started to love scallops too, I think she has got this from his dad the seafood lover in our family.

Well as most of you already know that Olivia is a picky eater when she was little and fingers crossed, she is getting better and at a normal pace now (laughing). So if she requested certain food or dish, I will definitely try my best to fulfilled her with. And Oliver is a vegan lover, he loves everything from vegetables to fruits which gives me less headache.

This dish is very simple to prepare and its very nutritious too. Most of the ingredients you could get it from the market or any supermarket will do. Just that you need to get the frozen boiled scallops at the specialist store or completed supermarket that sells imported seafood. I bought the frozen boiled scallops at Jaya Grocer. 

Frozen boiled scallop


1 Cup of  Broccoli
1 Cup of Cauliflowers
1/2 Cup Boiled Scallop
1 tbsp  chopped garlic
2 tbsp Oyster Sauce
1/4 Cup water
1 tsp Rice Wine 紹興酒

1) Cut vegetables into small bite size. Blanch them in hot water for 3 minutes. drained and set aside.
2) In a clean wok, drizzle some cooking oil that covered most of the wok surface. When the wok is warm, add in garlic, stir fry for 1 minute and add in scallops. Keep stirring for 1 minutes, add vegetables. Mix oyster sauce and water. Turn to high flame, stir in oyster sauce that diluted in water. Stir for another 2 minute, turn to low flame, add in rice wine, stir for a while and you can serve.

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