Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

An afternoon tea with some girlfriends, gossips with your favorites neighbors.
A slice of Pineapple Upside-down and a cup of feshly brewed coffee is just blissfulness!
Olivia, is my best fan ever. She is the first who tried, first who comment and
hopefully the last to say NO..haha
Pineapple upside down cake is way before my time. This is a very old technique probably started centuries ago. If you are wondering what is Pineapple Upside-down cake, here are some info.

*The first recorded recipe for Pineapple Upside Down Cake According to John Mariani's ( The Dictionary of American Food and Drink , Revised Edition, 1994), "The first mention in print of such a cake was in 1930, and was so listed in the 1936 Sears Roebuck catalog, but the cake is somewhat older." In Fashionable Food: Seven Decades of Food Fads (1995), Sylvia Lovegren traces pineapple upside-down cake to a 1924 Seattle fund-raising cookbook...While rooting around in old women's magazines I found a Gold Medal Flour ad with a full-page, four-color picture of Pineapple Upside-Down Cake--a round cake with six slices of pineapple, candied red cherries, and a brown sugar glaze.

*information courtesy of

Preparing for the set, shooting for blogspot.
120g Flour
1/4 teaspoon Soda Bicarbonate
2 Eggs
100g Canola Oil
110g Sugar
I Can of Pineapple (5slices)
50ml Pineapple Syrup 
5 Preserved Cherry (halves)

1.Pre heat oven at 175 degree. Prepare the base of the baking pan with some sprinkles of sugar
   and arrange the pineapple (as shown from my photograph)
2. Sift flour and soda bicarbonate in a mixing bowl.
3. Combine Canola oil, sugar, eggs, pineapple syrup in a mixing bowl, beat till dissolves.
4. Add in flour bit by bit, until well blended.
5. Transfer the batter into the baking pan that has pineapple slices at the bottom.
6. Bake for 25 minutes or test it with a skewer, when the skewer comes out clean that means
    your cake is done.

My kids love it, I'm sure no one could resist this since it was made from canola and not butter... a healthy snack!
I personally like the spongy feel of this cake.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Corn Flakes Cookie

This is kinda fun...
Chinese New Year did not comes early (giggles), just that I would like to share this recipe with all of you which we made last Chinese New Year. Olivia has gave me a hand with the chores, and she made a pretty good sous chef though :-)

Corn flakes cookie is famous among kids and adults, nice & crunchy at the outside and soft from the inside. I did add some raisins, but if you like it plain and original, you may skip the raisins part.

Corn Flakes Cookies
200g Butter
150g Sugar
2 Eggs
300g Flour
60g Cereal/Corn Flakes (crushed)
1tbsp Vanilla Essence
30g Corn Flour

1. Beat butter and sugar till soft and fluffy. Add Vanilla Essence. Stir in beaten eggs.
2. Fold in flour and corn flour. (Mixture must not stick hands)
3. Scoop batter into crushed corn flakes.
4. Place them on pachment paper
5. Bake for 25 minutes with 200 degree celsius. (preheat oven)
Olivia started with her dough mixing.

Crush..crush..crush.. (mummy wants them crushed)
It tasted very good too.. ops! (Olivia was caught red handed)

Scoop the batter with Ice Cream scoop, then coat it with corn flakes crumbs.

One canister of corn flakes cookie, ready to go!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mini Pizza for Sunday Lunch

Mamma mia! Who doesn't like pizza? This oven-baked, flat, round bread typically topped with a tomato sauce, cheese and various toppings is an all time favorites! Kids love them, even me couldn't resist the yummy melting cheesy topping.

This Sunday, we are having pan pizza for everyone at home. You choose your topping, isn't fun? Yes! Olivia will be the first who jump up and down for her long awaits pizza.

Let's shop for ingredients. Olivia has choosen the typical Ham & Sausages for herself.
Turkey Ham

Whole Grain Mustard, which is a must have for me. I like it's taste and grainy texture.
I like to add little dash of mustard at the base of my pizza.
Prick the crust before baking.
If you are a busy mum but wish to cook for your family like me, then you could swop the crust with Pita which you could get it from the supermarket. Some called it Arabian Bun. First, prick the pizza dough in the center in several places.This prevents the dough from forming huge air bubbles when you bake your pizza crust. Drizzle a few drops of Olive oil and spread them evenly on the surface before pre-bake the crust for 5 minutes.. 

Getting all the ingredients ready.
Yummy Olives, a must have!
One of the ingredient,Mayo egg which make a great combo with ham. My kid loves this!

Spread the pizza bases with pizza spread, I just use plain tomato base paste.
Plain Tomato paste. One jar of this 500g tomato paste can be use for 10 pan pizza.
After pre-baked, remove them from the oven. Let them cool down for 5 minutes, then you could start dressing the pizza with the topping of your choice.

Pizzas are ready to be baked.
Our first batch is done.
This seafood pizza is for my seafood lover husband.

A happy patron!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pork Chop with Potato Wedges

If you are a big fan of deep frying food, then you will love this pork chop with cabbage and potato wedges. A simple dish with not much per-preparation needed. All you need is a piece of loin pork or you could get a pork chop cutlet at any non-halal section of the supermarket. Go to Jaya Grocer, they have nice meat with reasonable prices.

1 piece of Pork Chop/loin/rib (up to individual)
200g Potato (wash and peel skin)
Cabbage (shred)
1 Egg (beaten)
50g Breadcrumbs

1. Marinade or apply salt and pepper on to the meat. leave for 15minutes.
2. Dab the meat with the beaten egg, then coat it with beadcrumbs
3. Deep fry the meat for 10-15 minutes each side.
4. How do you know if the meat is cook, if you notice juices coming out from the meat, then yes.. it's cook!

Potato Wedges

Pork Chop